E-Book Protection Blog

Digital Watermark

Tags: digital watermark
Digital watermark. Digital Watermark
The essence of the digital watermark is that a unique video/audio file is dynamically generated for each customer, on the server side, which contains hidden data that identify the customer.

Of course, there are also desktop application that enable manually adding digital watermarks to the video/audio content.

Disadvantages of this method:
- It does not avoid sharing at all, it is only a preventive measure. If the customer did not provide real data than this method is useless.

- Even if you find out who shared your infoproduct, there is not much you can do. It is hard to take legal action, as you would have to prove that the shared file did have a watermark (and that is was not inserted subsequently) and that is clearly identifies the specific customer.

It is clear now that your infoproducts are not completely protected from illegal uploads with digital watermarks.

In the next post, I am going to present You the HTML, CSS, Javascript code protections.
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